Social Studies - 3rd Grade
3.H.1 - Understand how events, individuals and ideas have influenced the history of local and regional communities.
Explain key historical events that occurred in the local community and regions over time.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Analyze the impact of contributions made by diverse historical figures in local communities and regions over time.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Exemplify the ideas that were significant in the development of local communities and regions.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
3.H.2 - Use historical thinking skills to understand the context of events, people and places.
Explain change over time through historical narratives. (events, people and places)
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Explain how multiple perspectives are portrayed through historical narratives.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
3.G.1 - Understand the earth’s patterns by using the 5 themes of geography: (location, place, humanenvironment interaction, movement and regions).
Find absolute and relative locations of places within the local community and region.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Compare the human and physical characteristics of places
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Exemplify how people adapt to, change and protect the environment to meet their needs.
Notebook Files:
Summarize the elements (cultural, demographic, economic and geographic) that define regions (community, state, nation and world).
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Compare various regions according to their characteristics.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
3.E.1 - Understand how the location of regions affects activity in a market economy.
Explain how location impacts supply and demand.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Explain how locations of regions and natural resources influence economic development (industries developed around natural resources, rivers and coastal towns).
Web Games
Notebook Files:
3.E.2 - Understand entrepreneurship in a market economy.
Explain why people become entrepreneurs.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Explain why people and countries around the world trade for goods and services.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
3.C&G.1 - Understand the development, structure and function of local government.
Summarize the historical development of local governments.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Describe the structure of local government and how it functions to serve citizens.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government.
Notebook Files:
3.C&G.2 - Understand how citizens participate in their communities.
Exemplify how citizens contribute politically, socially and economically to their community
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Exemplify how citizens contribute to the well-being of the community’s natural environment.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Apply skills in civic engagement and public discourse (school, community)
Web Games
Notebook Files:
3.C.1 - Understand how diverse cultures are visible in local and regional communities.
Compare languages, foods and traditions of various groups living in local and regional communities.
Notebook Files:
Exemplify how various groups show artistic expression within the local and regional communities.
Web Games
Notebook Files:
Notebook Files:
Additional Resources:
3rd Grade:
Governance and CivicsThe Six Pillars of Character - Classroom and discussion activities
3rd Grade:
- Food Pyramids: Native American || French ||Spanish || Asian || Latin American
- Dress Me Up - Help a Colonist from 1628 get dressed
- Music of Countries and Cultures - from African music to Zydeco , presented by Silver Burdette
- African Hats - A salute to African headdresses.
- Essay Map - an interactive graphic organizer
- Graphic Organizer Links
- Interpreting Data
- Interpreting Data - multiple-choice quiz
- Overview of a Bar Graph
- From the Land - explore the riches that come from the land and how craft artists use them!
- Crop Scape - students can zoom in and get data on this interactive map
- Business Buddies - Students learn the differences between goods and services and producers and consumers
- Minting Process:
- Color Landforms Atlas of the United States - a large number of maps are available, take a look at your state's 1895 map
- Continent and Ocean Match - Quia game
- Geography Games - World Geography, Interactive maps, and activities.
- Oceans and Continent Quiz - Lizard point game
- Ocean and Continent Hangman game
- World Atlas - Click on the continents for more maps.
- World Continents and Oceans game - choose your learning level
- Mapability - Map Symbols.
- Reading a Road Map - Pick a state and use the Map Key.
- Maps of U.S. cities - find your city and locate places
- Cardinal Directions Quiz - a multiple choice quiz from Quia
- Latitude and longitude - online Quiz
- Latitude and Longitude - Quia Quiz game
- Latitude and Longitude Pretest - Quiz Quiz
- Latitude and Longitude Game - Find Hannah on the map.
- Looking at the Earth - A Quia quiz about the Earth reviewing latitude, longitude, Equator, hemisphere
- Special Lines of Latitude and Longitude - Quia Quiz
- Landforms - Learn the natural physical features of the earth's surface
- Types of Land - learn more about types of land when you click on them in the map.
- Interactive map of the various types of climate features on the Earth's surface
- Exploring Ecosystems - explore the living and non-living parts of three extremely different ecosystems and discover how the parts of the ecosystems interact
Governance and CivicsThe Six Pillars of Character - Classroom and discussion activities
- Technology in the Home - This is a time line in the form of a Shockwave image that changes as you pull the slider to the left or right. For any year, you can get information about any object in the image by placing your mouse cursor over the part of the image you are interested in. Must use internet explorer
- Technology Timeline - interactive timeline
- Communication and Transportation - place each of five events on their correct position on a timeline
- Customize your own timeline
- Seeing Time (Using timelines as a resource) - gives students a chance to refine and extend their ability to construct, read, analyze, and draw conclusions from timelines
- From Colonial Crossing to Kitty Hawk - Students compare primary and secondary sources.